A Dapple A Day Equine Center
The funds will be used to pay for food including hay, grain, and supplements for their horses as well as care costs including wood shavings (bedding for stalls) and veterinary costs.
After the Fire, Inc.
Funding will be used to continue giving fire victims gift cards for supplies they have lost in the fire. Grant will also allow for the purchase of personal items.
AIM Services, Inc.
Grant funding will be used to support recreational and wellness activities within the Respite Program for children, teens and adults with diverse abilities served by the organization.
Ballston Area Community Center
Grant funding will be used to procure technology that will provide students with additional opportunities to learn and grow.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Southern Adirondacks, Inc.
Funding will help support the ability to recruit, screen, train, and support One Child and One Mentor and their families with whom they are matched.
Caffe Lena
This grant will fund a technician to run cameras and sound for a live stream and the cost of refreshments for Art of Community, a monthly gathering of Saratoga's impact sector at Caffe Lena.
Camp Abilities Saratoga, Inc.
It costs approximately $3,500 per camper to attend the camp for one week in August. The cost is 100% covered by support and donations to Camp Abilities. The grant will be used to partially offset the room-board and activity expenses.
Camp Little Notch
Grant funds will be used to cover the full cost of a new archery starter kit for camp.
Catie Hoch Foundation
Funds will be used to purchase gas cards for families traveling to Albany Medical Center for their child's cancer treatment.
Center for Disability Services, Inc.
Grant Funds will go towards the replacement of the hallway flooring located in their Prospect School building which houses school age students.
Community, Work & Independence, Inc.
CWI will provide people with I/DD the experience of expression via art. The grant funds will be used to purchase paints, canvases, brushes, etc. for 200 people to participate in this experience at least once, preferably twice in a 6 month period.
C.R.E.A.T.E. Community Studios, David Porter Awardee
Grant funding will be used to continue their free summer community lunch program in 2023 within at least 5 community sites.
First Baptist Church of Ballston Spa's Summer Lunch Program
Grant funds will be used to purchase food items and supplies.
Flutters of Hope Inc.
Grant funds will be used to purchase items for the ButterflyWish Baskets.

Franklin Community Center
Funding will assist with the replacement of outdated, broken, and inefficient windows in the building's common areas and hallways with new energy-saving options.
Habitat for Humanity of Northern Saratoga, Warren, & Washington Counties
The grant will be used for Habitat for Humanity's build at 141 W. Circular St. in Saratoga Springs. The new affordable home will provide a generational change for the family: stable housing costs, consistent educational opportunities, and improved health conditions.
Hudson Crossing Park
Funds will be used to purchase native perennial plants which will be installed by Hudson Crossing Park's volunteer gardeners. Funds will also go towards purchasing tools, equipment and supplies necessary to cultivate and maintain garden areas in the park.
Malta Avenue Elementary PTA
Grant funding will be used for the purchase of a single book for each student at Malta Avenue Elementary during the month of March for the celebration of reading by participating in PARP (Pick a Reading Partner).
Nipper Nolls Equine Center
Funds will be used to help with the cost of feed and grain for their herd.
Operation Adopt a Soldier, Inc.
Grant funding will go directly towards postage to send care packages to deployed soldiers overseas.
Queensbury Senior Citizens, Inc.
Funds will help cover the cost of the transportation for four day trips in 2023.
Rebuilding Together Saratoga County
Grant funds will enable Rebuilding Together to purchase materials for 40 safety kits and help support the delivery and installation of these items.
Saratoga Bridges
This grant will help give continued artistic opportunities for their individuals by ensuring they have access to free classes. The grant will be used to purchase supplies and materials including clay, paper, colored pencils, acrylic, watercolor and oil paints, matting, frames, canvases, ink cartridges, card stock and assorted enhancements.
Saratoga Center for the Family
Grant funding will be used to provide free services to these children and teens (and families) who simply cannot afford treatment as the majority of their clients are low income without health insurance or high co-pays.
Saratoga County Children's Committee
The grant award will be used toward the largest program that they complete each year, The Empty Stocking Project.
Saratoga County History Center
Funds will be used to prepare spaces, design and produce interpretive panels, build cases, print photographs, and frame archival documents.
Saratoga Pride, Pride Center of the Capital Region
Grant funding will be used for underwriting expenses for the June 25, 2023 Saratoga Pride Festival.
Saratoga Youth Soccer Club
Grant funds will be used to purchase 2 Good Samaritan life saving AEDs with pediatric capabilities to have on site should there ever be a cardiac issue on or off the field during their games. The remaining funds will be used to purchase updated first aid kits for their coaches to ensure that they have the proper equipment on hand in case of emergencies.
Senior Citizens Center of Saratoga Springs, Inc.
Funding will be used to support their cultural and recreational programming for Saratoga County Seniors.
Shelters of Saratoga
Grant funds will be used to purchase non-perishable food and supplies to be distributed through their street outreach program.
Stories for Success Saratoga, Inc.
Funds will be used to finance their Saratoga Hospital book bags. Expenses include purchasing new books, paper bags, stickers, and printing costs. Funds will be able to cover about 3 months of their book bag project.
The Ben Osborn Memorial Fund, Inc.
Grant funding will help provide local school children in need with personal hygiene kits.
The Open Door Mission
Funds will be used to help provide food and cover direct expenses for the Open Door Mission's Hunger Relief Program.
The SNACpack Program, Inc.
Grant funds will be used to purchase food directly from the Food Bank, local farms, and businesses.
Veterans & Community Housing Coalition
Funding will help support low-income veterans living in our community overcome food insecurity by providing meat, dairy, or produce that will ensure proper nutrition.